Managing your learning Throughout all parts of the programme, our online learning system will help you manage your learning and the assessment activities. The majority of the programme is conducted through distance learning, but the online learning system has been developed to create a ‘community’ of delegates and tutors. In doing so it brings together the advantages of distance learning with the opportunities to share . experiences, seek support and learn from others. It therefore aims to retain some of the key features of face-to-face training programme.
Target dates
The blended learning nature of this course means that there is a considerable emphasis on self-managed learning. Although there maybe some more structured online events which it would be helpful for you to participate in, for most of the course you will have the flexibility to plan and conduct the majority of your learning in the way that best suits you. We recognise that without the regular structures that are a common feature of more traditional learning (e.g. regular lectures or seminars to attend), the emphasis is placed to a greater extent on you to structure your own learning. We know many of our course delegates appreciate this flexibility, but it does mean that without regular commitments it is easier for the course to take second place to other demands on your time. The online learning system allows you to set target dates for the different aspects of the course from the Course Manager. The intention for target dates is to use these to motivate you by setting achievable deadlines for the various aspects of the course, so that you complete it in a timely manner and within the time allowed. You can revise target dates at any time if necessary. Target dates are offered for your benefit and are not used by your tutors – they are there purely as a way to help you manage your progress through the course.